Terms and Conditions


At EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) we will only approve orders which are in line with the below mentioned General Terms and Conditions of Sale, unless we provide written approval of exceptions to this rule for the Client in certain scenarios, in the form of a document/electronic form of communication.

Orders Processing/Cancellation:

All orders are valued to us and we always strive to process them in time. We are a marketplace and all our prices and inventory are managed and marketed through online software linked to our website. Therefore, due to some software error, if in case our prices get disturbed, it’s in our sole right and discretion to cancel any order which we may unable to process and customers' payment will be immediately refunded back. All refunds will be sent using the same method they were paid through. Furthermore, our sales team may or may not offer correct prices to customers before canceling the order.

Product Condition and Warranty

EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) will only supply you with products which are undamaged and usable and of sufficient quality to merit purchase at the requested price by you. All brand new products sold by EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) will include the original manufacturer’s warranty by default, whereas for refurbished items EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) will provide its own 30 day return warranty with defective product replacement guaranteed as long as you inform EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) within 30 days of order receipt. Only products which do not meet the minimum specifications at outlined in this document shall be considered defective.

Credit Facilities

All EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) invoices are due for payment immediately on receipt of EP’s (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) invoice, except for Net 30 invoices approved in writing from EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) which are payable within 30 days of invoice receipt.

EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) reserves the right to withdraw credit terms for customer accounts remaining inactive for one year.

EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) reserves the right to suspend deliveries if payment is not received as per the terms outlined in this document. EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) reserves the right to charge interest @ 2% over the standard base rate applicable at the time.

Delivery of Products Ex Stock

The delivery of products ex stock is wholly dependent on the products being in stock at the time EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) receives your official Purchase Order (PO).

Order Sub-Contracting Right

EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) reserves the right, at its sole discretion and based on providing the quickest and most cost efficient order delivery to you, to sub contract your order, in part or completely.

Value Added Tax (V.A.T) Policy

EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) is obligated to charge V.A.T on all of our sold products as per the rate prevalent on the date of order dispatch. The end users or buyers are obliged to and liable to pay this tax.

Pricing Validity & Carriage Costs

Carriage costs will be included in Customer orders and associated invoices if applicable. All EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) invoices will contain prices which are valid on the date of order dispatch, except for special orders in which product pricing has been provided in exceptional circumstances by EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) in writing.

Delivery Time & Cost are Estimations Only

All product delivery costs and ETAs provided by EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) to you prior to the time of placing the order are estimations only. The final delivery costs and delivery ETA will be communicated to you in our official quotation/invoices/order acceptance notifications and will be subject to the third party courier’s information provided to EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD).

As the Third Party Couriers are responsible for fulfilling their committed delivery time and cost, EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) will not be responsible or held liable for any losses or damages incurred by you due to late products delivery for any reason. In such cases in which any delivery delay occurs due courier issues or for reasons outside of EP’s (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) control, the buyer shall have no rights to cancel the order and demand a refund from EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD).

Partial Deliveries

EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) reserve the right to deliver your order in certain circumstances in parts instead of in one complete shipment. In these cases, the purchaser must accept the partial quantity delivered. EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) will deliver the complete order as long as the total order invoice is paid by the Purchaser.

Short Delivery, Non Delivery or Damage in Transit

In case your ordered products are not delivered completely or are damaged in transit, EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) or it’s employed Courier will not be liable unless you inform us within 3 days of receiving the ordered products. In case you do not receive your order, you must inform EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) in writing within 14 days of the date your order was supposed to be dispatched as per EP’s (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) intimation to you. In case of a short delivery or damage to products in transit, you must advise EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) in writing within 6 hours of signing the courier’s delivery note, otherwise EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) cannot be held liable.

Defective Goods

In case you receive incorrect products not according to your order, or in case you believe the received products are defective, you must inform EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) within 7 days of receiving the order, otherwise EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) will not be held liable. In these cases, EP’s (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) liability will be limited to a replacement of the products or issuing credit to you for the ordered products. EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) will not be liable for shipping expenses or consequential damage to the products. In case you have incurred expenses while attempting to repair the defective products, EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) will not be liable to bear these costs unless you have obtained our written consent for the same.


Software & License Products

All the software, license, and e-delivery products sold are non-cancellable and non-refundable.


Price Match Guarantee

We offer a price match guarantee to help our valued customers to get everything at competitive prices in one place. The guarantee only works if the comparing website is listing the exact same SKU in the same condition with the same or better availability or lead time. We are sorry but we don't match prices with any out-of-stock items at all.


Delay & Suspension of Deliveries

Despite the best efforts of EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) and its partners/utilized couriers, in case the ordered products delivery is prevented by some unforeseeable and uncontrollable factor/s including an Act of God, actions by other nation states, official governmental policies or actions, worker strikes and lockouts or any other circumstance outside EP’s (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) control, EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) shall reserve the right and not be liable for any damages incurred by you to cancel or suspend the order completely or partially.

Payment Defaults & Remediation

Payment Defaults & Remediation In cases in which the buyer defaults in payment of any outstanding invoices owed to EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD), the buyer business is wound up or closed down, suspends payments to their creditors, grants a trust deed for, or makes an offer to their creditors to make any arrangements for the creditors benefit, becomes insolvent or files for bankruptcy or commits an act of bankruptcy, if the buyers are sued for the payment of any outstanding sum/s, any distress execution/diligence, in situations in which court proceedings are initiated against the buyer with the intent of forcibly taking over the buyer’s assets or winding up the buyer company to pay off their outstanding debts, EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) shall have the right to recover the outstanding amounts via such legal action.

Product Ownership Rights

Until the time that EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) has received the due payment in full from you for the purchased products, EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) will retain the property in the products sold. If you sell these products before you have made your due payment in full, then EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) has a right to recover its payable amounts from the proceeds of your product sale. As long as EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) has not received the payment in full from you, EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) will retain the property of these products and reserve the right to go to your premises to retake possession of the products or the premises occupied by them. Please note that this does not automatically entitle you to simply return the products to EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) without clearing your payment due, and you will be obligated to make the complete payment in full notwithstanding the return of the ordered products.

Survival of this Contract

The Terms and Conditions outlined in this document will remain in force and not be changed by any party except EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD). In case any terms and conditions are mentioned on your order or any other form of communication with EP (ECCENTRIC PROFESSIONALS LTD) which are not in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined in this document then this document will take precedence and considered final for the purpose of law, thereby nullifying any other terms and conditions you have received from elsewhere.

Nature of Contract

The terms and conditions outlined in this document will function and be construed as an English Contract and are in accordance with English Law.